Human Neuroscience Trainee Seminar Series (Hybrid): Sergej Grunevski (Graduate Student, PI: Anna Konova)

“Drug and Food Craving in Daily Life”
The Rutgers Brain Health Institute (BHI) and Center for Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research (CAHBIR) are hosting a seminar series on the last Monday of each month. This series features presentations by graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, providing a platform to share their research with the broader Rutgers neuroscience community. It is open to all trainees conducting human neuroscience research in BHI laboratories.
Trainees may present experimental plans, pilot data, or complete research. Talks can also be used to prepare for conferences, job talks, or other professional presentations. Please indicate how you plan to use your presentation slot when signing up. Please contact Noelle Stiles (ns1608@rutgers.edu) with any questions.
Join by SIP
Meeting ID: 981 2448 7248
Password: 626402
RSVP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IFSTHci0jVTfq9bZn9CScytycZHnQFO2HxakAG34rb4/edit?tab=t.0