Our center focuses on bridging the gap between brain science and psychiatric symptoms through the interdisciplinary field of cognitive neuropsychiatry. We explore brain-behavior relationships to uncover the biological basis of mental illnesses.

The Center for Computational Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (CCNP) integrates computational modeling and neuroscience to study the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders, aiming to improve diagnosis and treatment through innovative research.
Who We Are
The Rutgers-Princeton Center for Computational Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (CCNP) is at the forefront of understanding how disruptions in brain function lead to psychiatric disorders. We aim to develop innovative approaches to accelerate research in mental health by leveraging computational models and interdisciplinary collaboration.
By using mathematics and computer simulations, we rapidly test biological variables and their impact on neural systems. This accelerates the identification of psychiatric disorder mechanisms, leading to faster and more effective treatment development.
We combine the strengths of Rutgers and Princeton, integrating neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry, and computer science. Our collaborations across institutions enhance our ability to address the complex challenges of psychiatric disorders with a multi-faceted approach.
Our work focuses on translating computational findings into actionable clinical insights. By identifying biological mechanisms behind psychiatric symptoms, we aim to bridge the gap between research and clinical care, providing more effective treatment strategies for mental health disorders.
The Rutgers-Princeton Center for Cognitive Computational Neuropsychiatry (CCNP)
has been formed to pursue this exciting opportunity. The goal is to leverage the expertise in Princeton’s department of Psychology and Neuroscience Institute, and in Rutgers’ departments of Psychology, Psychiatry and Computer Science, Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care, Robert Wood Johnson Hospital, and the Rutgers Brain Health Institute, in a major collaborative initiative that has the potential to be much greater than the sum of its individual parts. The CCNP Core facility is located in Room V01, Research Tower, 675 Hoes Lane West, Piscataway.
Our Director
Dr. Anna Konova is Co-Director, alongside Dr. Yael Niv from Princeton University, of the Rutgers-Princeton Center for Computational Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (CCNP). She also leads the Addiction and Decision Neuroscience (ADN) Lab at Rutgers University. Dr. Konova earned her Ph.D. in Integrative Neuroscience under Dr. Rita Z. Goldstein at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Stony Brook University, followed by postdoctoral research with Dr. Paul W. Glimcher at NYU’s Center for Neural Science. Her research investigates the computational and neural basis of human decision-making in health and addiction. Established in partnership with Princeton, CCNP leverages each institution’s strengths in neuroscience, clinical science, computational modeling, and data science, advancing the field of computational psychiatry to enhance our understanding of mental health and well-being.

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