2023-2024 BHI Plenary Seminar Series: Michael Kahana, PhD

Electrophysiology of Human Memory   Join Zoom Meeting: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/99511036816?pwd=Rm1xWWZLL3dzSE82TUdTMjUxRlYvUT09 Meeting ID: 995 1103 6816 Password: 041124   Human memory function is highly variable, fluctuating between periods of high and low performance even within a given person. Neurosurgical patients with indwelling electrodes present a unique opportunity to study the neural correlates of this variability and to …

BHI/RWJMS-Neurosurgery Faculty Candidate Seminar: Feng Liu, PhD

“Development of Foundation Machine Learning Models for Epileptogenic Zone Localization and Brain Networks Analysis”   Join Zoom Meeting: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/97121091910?pwd=VCtJR3ZwUUJiTjM0dGhGbmpnZERNUT09 Meeting ID: 971 2109 1910 Password: 050724