Herbert and Jacqueline Krieger Klein Alzheimer’s Research Center at the BHI Inaugural Symposium

Dr. Michal Schnaider Beeri, PhD, Director, Herbert and Jacqueline Krieger Klein Alzheimer’s Research Center at the BHI, Krieger-Klein Endowed Chair in Neurodegeneration Research and Professor of Neurology at RWJMS invites you to attend the Inaugural Symposium for the Herbert And Jacqueline Krieger Klein Alzheimer’s Research Center at the BHI. The Keynote Speaker will be David …

BHI & KK ADRC Faculty Candidate Seminar: Yian Gu, MD, MS, PhD

“Addressing disparities and risk reduction for Alzheimer’s Disease through lifestyle factors”   Join Zoom Meeting: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/91510451213?pwd=Vk5aMCtPTFlHT2xYRFJvQ3oxcTBZdz09 Meeting ID: 915 1045 1213 Password: 740383

RWJ-NCB Seminar Series: Featuring Amber L. Alhadeff, PhD – In-Person Seminar

Please join us on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 9:30 am in the Research Tower, Room V12 for a seminar featuring Amber L. Alhadeff, PhD, Principal Investigator in the Monell Chemical Senses Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Alhadeff will be presenting on “The Power of Hunger”. The host for this seminar is Mark …

2023-2024 BHI Plenary Seminar Series: Michael Kahana, PhD

Electrophysiology of Human Memory   Join Zoom Meeting: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/99511036816?pwd=Rm1xWWZLL3dzSE82TUdTMjUxRlYvUT09 Meeting ID: 995 1103 6816 Password: 041124   Human memory function is highly variable, fluctuating between periods of high and low performance even within a given person. Neurosurgical patients with indwelling electrodes present a unique opportunity to study the neural correlates of this variability and to …