BHI Executive Advisory Council
Following the recommendations from the BHI Five-Year Review, the BHI Executive Advisory Council has been reconfigured to include senior leadership from Rutgers and RBHS. In addition, the Chairs of BHI Working Groups serve as ex officio members of the Executive Advisory Council. We would like to thank the new members for agreeing to serve on the Advisory Council. We would also like to thank the previous BHI Advisory Board members for their service.
BHI Working Groups
The Brain Health Institute recently underwent a 5-year review and received valuable feedback for our future development. One suggestion was to change our 4 Focus Areas to Focus Groups populated by leading investigators in each thematic area. To that end, we are creating Focus Area Working Groups (FAWGs). There will be a FAWG for each Focus Area (Neurodevelopment, Motivational and Affective Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration and Injury, and Cognitive and Sensory Neuroscience). We will also establish a Junior Faculty Working (JFWG) composed of tenure-track junior faculty.