Meetings & Seminars


September 1, 2015 (Tuesday) 12 NoonSteve Maren "Stabilizing fear extinction under stress" .

October 26th, 2015, First Annual Rutgers BHI symposium held at the Duncan Family Sky room at St. Peter’s University, Jersey City. 

October 26, 2015, First Annual Rutgers BHI symposium abridged presentation files-

Dr. Emanuel DiCicco-Bloom- “Modeling Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From mouse mutants to human induced neural stem cells”

Dr. Mark West- “Relapse to cocaine: a behavioral trap”

November 12, 2015 (Thursday) 12 Noon: Dr.  Lawrence Steinman "No Quiet Surrender-Guardian Molecules in Multiple Sclerosis" .

November 30, 2015 (Monday) 12 NoonRyan LaLumiere "Prefrontal mechanisms underlying cocaine addiction"

December  17, 2015 (Thursday) 12 NoonJeffrey Friedman "Remote Control of Hypothlamic Neurons Regulates Feeding and Metabolism"