The Tenth Annual BHI Symposium will be held on two days- Thursday, November 14, and Friday November 15, 2024 at the Douglass Student Center in New Brunswick, NJ. The symposium will celebrate the TENTH Anniversary of BHI!! Across the two days, you will learn about the five BHI centers and hear cutting-edge talks by new Rutgers neuroscience faculty. New this year, we will have talks by four post-docs selected by each of the four BHI focus area working groups. Also new this year, the afternoon sessions on both days will include flash talks by student/post-doc poster presenters.  Cash awards to the top three best posters each day! Finally, an "Art in Neuroscience" exhibition opportunity for trainees! We will select top 10 submissions to be exhibited at the tw0 day symposium.

So don't wait, click here to register early by Nov 1 for the two-day BHI symposium.

The keynote speaker for this year is Dr John H. Morrison. Dr. John H. Morrison is currently Director of the California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC), UC Davis Distinguished Professor, Professor of Neurology in the School of Medicine, and Professor in the Center for Neuroscience at UC Davis. Dr. Morrison earned his Bachelor’s Degree and Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, and completed postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Dr. Floyd E. Bloom at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.  He then served as a faculty member at The Scripps Research Institute until he joined the faculty at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in 1989 where went on to be Chair of the Fishberg Department of Neuroscience and serve as Dean of Basic Sciences and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai before moving to UC Davis in 2015. Dr. Morrison has served on Council for the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), served as the Editor-in-Chief of SfN’s public-facing website,, and was recently elected Secretary of SfN. Dr. Morrison is a member of the National Academy of Medicine.

The Symposium Schedule

The symposium check-in begins at 8 AM each day with breakfast, lunch, reception and award ceremony at 5.15 PM.

Thursday, November 14th

9: 00 AM: Welcome remarks by Rutgers Health Chancellor Dr. Brian Strom and Director of the Brain Health Institute, Dr. Gary Aston-Jones.

9:35 AM-11.55 AM: BHI Centers- Updates from Directors
Drs. Wayne Fisher, R. Chris Pierce, David Zald, Anna Konova, Michal-Schnaider Beeri

1:30PM-2: 40 PM: Post-doc Alliance Working Group & FAWG-selected Post-doc Talks
Drs. Jaclyn Eisdorfer, Aysegul Gungor Aydin, Rebecca Sebastian, Benton Purnell, Sarah Jackson and Mark Gradwell

2:45 PM-3.45 PM: Two-Minute Flash Talks by Trainee Poster Presenters

3:45 PM-5.15 PM: Trainee Poster Session (Douglass Lounge)

Friday, November 15th

9: 00 AM: Welcome remarks and BHI updates by Director of the Brain Health Institute, Dr. Gary Aston-Jones.

9:35 AM-10.00 AM: BHI Center Pilot Grant Updates
Drs. Steve Levison and Tammy Chung

10:05 AM-11.20 AM: New Rutgers Neuroscience Faculty Talks
Drs. Salman Qasim, Sangmi Chung, Nathan Wages, Marilyn Piccirillo, Natasha O'Brown.

11:30 AM-12.30 PM: Symposium Keynote Lecture
Dr. John H. Morrison

2:00 PM- 2.25 PM: New Rutgers Neuroscience Faculty Talks
Drs. Elizabeth Holly and Sharon Sanz Simon

2:30 PM-3.30 PM: Two-Minute Flash Talks by Trainee Poster Presenters

3:30 PM-5.00 PM: Trainee Poster Session (Douglass Lounge)

5:00 PM-5.30 PM: Trainee Poster Award Winners for Day 1 & 2 Poster sessions (Douglass Lounge)