Neurodevelopment FAWG

The Neurodevelopment Focus Area Working Group brings together faculty from different campuses, schools, and chancellor units who all share research interests in the biological and environmental mechanisms affecting typical and atypical child development.


The goal of our neurodevelopment working group is to promote synergistic collaboration across the various scientific disciplines at Rutgers, thereby enabling our interdisciplinary research teams to address important and impactful research challenges that would be difficult or impossible to tackle by single investigators or disciplines.

The investigators in this group have expertise in typical child development and a variety of developmental disorders, including attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual developmental disorder, and specific learning disorders like dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Our members use a variety of scientific methods, including animal models of behavior (e.g., rodents, fish); EEG and neuroimaging techniques; molecular, biochemical and pharmacological probes; and clinical trials with humans to study typical and atypical development.

Our members come from various Rutgers campuses, schools, and departments and include scientists with expertise in a variety of disciplines, such as neuroscience, genetics, cell biology, psychology, behavior analysis, and others. Together, they focus on advancing our understanding of human development and use that knowledge to improve outcomes for all children, but with an emphasis on those affected by developmental disorders.


Ongoing activities include:

BHI Plenary Speakers

Selecting and inviting BHI Plenary Speakers

Trainee Travel Grants

Awarding travel grants to trainees

Collaborative Initiatives

Developing new partnerships and projects

Seed Grants

Promoting interdisciplinary research

Annual Conference

Focusing on autism and related disorders

Chair and Co-Chair

Wayne Fisher, PhD

Chair of Neurodevelopment FAWG

Henry Rutgers Endowed Professor of Pediatrics, RWJMS,

Director of Rutgers Center for Autism Research, Education and Services (RUCARES)

Director of CSH-RUCARES and the Severely Affected Behavior Disorders in Children Program at CSH.

Maria Chiara Manzini, PhD

Vice-Chair of Neurodevelopment FAWG

Associate Professor, RBHS-RWJMS, Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology