CMBN Seminar Series (11 AM in Aidekman Seminar Room, 197 University Ave., Newark)

Date Speaker Host Organizer Affiliation Talk title 21-Sep-16 Jack Gallant Michael Cole Michael Cole UC Berkeley A functional atlas of the human brain that predicts activity under naturalistic conditions 2-Nov-16 Martin Sarter Juan Mena-Segovia Juan University of Michigan Regulation and functions of brain cholinergic systems: translational research approaches 30-Nov-16 Joshua Dudman Juan Mena-Segovia Juan Janelia …

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BHI Newark-New Brunswick Faculty & Post-doc Exchange Seminar Series

Date Speakers and Talk Titles Location Oct 23rd 2015 Akshay Gupta, MD Title: “Developmental and post-traumatic plasticity of a novel hippocampal glutamatergic cell type” Vishwendra Patel, PhD Title: “Novel therapeutic strategies for Botulism” Dean’s Conference Room in the Research Tower at 675 Hoes Lane West, Piscataway Nov 13th 2015 Sudhir Yadav, PhD Title: “Association of …

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