BHI-Director of CRPPT- Candidate: Jose Moron-Concepcion, PhD

“Targeting the Mesolimbic Target to Prevent Pain-Induced Anhedonia and Facilitated Opioid Intake” Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 915 3985 4427 Password: 072424

BHI-Director of CRPPT- Candidate: Carl Saab, PhD

“Neural Networks, AI, and Healthcare Referral Systems: A Translational Journey in Pain Research” Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 916 5696 0526 Password: 072924

BHI-Director of CRPPT- Candidate: Jeffrey Mogil, PhD

“Mistakes Were Made: How to Fix Preclinical (Pain) Research” Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 940 3421 4468 Password: 080124  

BHI/CAHBIR/CCNP- Faculty Candidate Seminar- Xiaosi Gu, PhD

“Ecological computation as a bridge between cells, circuits, and therapeutics” Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 917 6558 5021 Password: 080524

Aging & Brain Health Alliance Community Stakeholders Meeting

Aging & Brain Health Alliance Community Stakeholders Meeting You are invited! Please RSVP online to attend our Wednesday, September 4th: 11:30am Aging & Brain Health Alliance Community Stakeholders Meeting &/or …

RARC Fall Symposium

Mark your calendar for the 2024 Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC) at the BHI Fall Symposium, a one-day event showcasing the breadth of addiction research and clinical services across Rutgers. …