The Eighth Annual BHI Symposium will be held on Friday, December 2, 2022 at the Busch Student Center in Piscataway, NJ. It will feature talks by Rutgers faculty presenting their cutting-edge research. The afternoon session includes student/post-doc poster presentations with cash awards to the top three best posters.
The keynote speaker for this year is Dr. Connie Cepko. Dr. Cepko is Bullard Professor of Genetics and Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator. She trained in virology with Phil Sharp at MIT for a Ph.D. and later with Richard Mulligan at the MIT Whitehead Institute. She helped develop retroviral vectors for transduction into the nervous system for lineage analysis and for studies of gene function in vivo. Her laboratory has focused on the topic of cell fate determination in the retina through the analysis of the behavior of progenitor and stem cells. More recently, they have been studying the mechanisms of photoreceptor death in diseases that cause blindness, such as retinitus pigmentosa and macular degeneration.
On-site registration on Dec 2 will be available (Cash only- $60 faculty; $25 trainees).
Click Here for the Symposium Book with Agenda, Speaker & Poster Abstracts
The symposium begins at 8 AM and ends at 5.30 PM. Below is useful information for attendees.
The symposium is being held in the Bush Student Center on Busch campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854. The directions to the center are here-
There is plenty of parking available. Attendees with Rutgers parking permits can park in the lots shown on below map. Special Event parking request has been processed. Visitors may park in Lots 51, 59, 60B & 67 (see below map for Lots closest to the Busch Student Center). Visitors/Guests must use the below link to register for the event. Until this process is completed guest/visitor vehicles are not registered and you may receive a citation. Special event parking and special event permits are only for visitors to the University which does not include free metered parking. Faculty, Staff, and Students must park only in lots they are authorized to park in and should not register under the special event parking link.
The symposium starts at 8 AM with light breakfast and beverages and is being held in the Busch Center Multipurpose rooms. The poster sessions will be in the adjoining Fireside and International Lounge in the afternoon.
Students & post-doc who are presenting posters can put up their posters during the morning break and lunch in the Fireside and International Lounges in the Busch Student Center.
The Poster Session will start at ~3.15 PM after the last faculty talk. Please have your posters put up by then.
The foam poster boards are 60 inches long and 40 inches wide and on tripods- so they can be oriented horizontally or vertically. We will provide push pins.
Your poster board number will be on your name badge and pinned on your poster board and also in the Symposium Booklet (see above). Please make sure that the poster board number is visible over your poster so that the judges can find you.
There is at least one judge assigned to your poster. So please make sure that you stay by your poster till the judge has come by. We expect all judging to be over by 4.45 PM at the latest.
The best poster awards will be presented between 5 PM and 5.15 PM in Multipurpose rooms where the talks were held. The top three posters will receive certificates and cash award of $150, $75, and $50, respectively.