Event Agenda

On the first day of the recruitment event, selected applicants will give short talks to faculty interested in recruiting post-docs. In the afternoon, Rutgers faculty labs will present their research projects at a poster session. The day will end with a dinner with current Rutgers post-docs. On the second day, the applicants will attend the Ninth Annual BHI symposium where they will get to meet and learn about the wider Rutgers neuroscience community. The final agenda for the day is below (a PDF version is also available for download). Changes may be made to the schedule in the days leading up to the event, but it will be finalized before the event begins.

[pdf-embedder url="https://brainhealthinstitute.rutgers.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Final-Agenda-for-Post-doc-Recruitment-Day-1.pdf" title="Final Agenda for Post-doc Recruitment Day"]